Graduate School EES


  • The GS-EES addresses the full, community-spanning spectrum of electrochemical energy storage and conversion, from fundamental science to processing and application
  • The GS-EES offers a comprehensive education and training program in these areas, emphasizing interdisciplinary aspects
  • The GS-EES is committed to offer professional skills training


About GS-EES

The GS-EES supports doctoral researchers doing their PhD in the field of electrochemical energy storage at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and Ulm University (UUlm). Among our topics are Lithium-ion batteries, post Lithium batteries and fuel cells. The GS-EES operates within the Center for Electrochemical Energy Storage Ulm & Karlsruhe (CELEST).

The GS-EES offers excellent graduation conditions. Some highlights are:

  • Support for a three-month research stay abroad
  • Annual Summer School
  • Workshops on scientific or method-related topics and on professional skills
  • Interdisciplinary block course Materials, Functioning and Technology of Batteries


The GS-EES is located at two main sites, at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and at Ulm University (UUlm). In addition, the Center for Solar Energy and Hydrogen Research (ZSW) at Ulm und the JLU Giessen participate in the activities.

The GS-EES addresses the full interdisciplinary spectrum of electrochemical energy storage and conversion, from fundamental science to processing and application.

Research fields are Li-ion batteries, post Li batteries, fuel cells, etc.

Doctoral researchers doing their research in the framework of the Cluster of Excellence POLiS take part in the Graduate School Electrochemical Energy Storage. POLiS funds about 60 doctoral researchers.






GS News


Industry Stay: Experiencing industry-specific knowledge first-hand

Today, we share insights from a GS-EES - Graduate School Electrochemical Energy Storage member who has swapped the 3-month research stay abroad with an industry stay at an internationally renowned… Read more


Research Stay Abroad: Sydney - a hub for exchange and forming new connections

Johanna Naumann is in the fourth year of her PhD and has recently returned from a research stay in Australia. We sat down with her to find out what she has experienced during that time and among other… Read more


Summer School 2023

The GS-EES Summer School 2023 has started Read more


Research Stay Abroad: Deepening knowledge in SECM and spectroscopy

To support international networking and cultural experience, Research Abroad – a three-month research stay at a foreign laboratory – is part of the GS-EES Core Program. Krishnaveni Palanisamy,… Read more


Research Stay Abroad: The Promise of Sodium-Ion Batteries

As part of the GS-EES Core Program, Julian Klemens and Ann-Kathrin Wurba have spent a three-month research stay at CIDETEC Energy Storage in Spain (Donostia-San Sebastián). During their research stay… Read more


Summer School 2023 - Registration open

You can now register for the Summer School 2023 Read more


Visit at wbk Institute of Production Science

GS-EES members visited the wbk Institute of Production Science Read more


Block Course 2023 Part 2 running

The Block Course 2023 Part 2 is currently running. This time, we meet at Thomashof near Karlsruhe. Read more


How to apply

Are you looking for a PhD position?

Check our open positions via this link.

Instructions on the specific application procedure are given in each of the job advertisements.

In parallel, please apply for admission to the GS-EES via the GS-EES application form.

If none of our current positions fit your profile, we are happy to receive your unsolicited application via our online application form.

Are you a doctoral researcher and want to join the GS-EES?

Doctoral researchers at one of our partner universities / institutes (Ulm University, KIT, ZSW) can apply for admission to the GS-EES.

Please apply online and add a statement of your supervisor's support for your GS-EES application (download this form and have it signed) to your application documents.


Education / Training

Qualification Program

The Qualification Program of the GS-EES is dedicated to

  • assist doctoral researchers in successfully pursuing their research in the multidisciplinary field of electrochemical energy storage.
  • support doctoral researchers in building a national and international network and foster collaborations.
  • provide assistance to doctoral researchers to improve their professional skills for their future career in industry and academia.


The Qualification Program is based on three columns:

The figure shows the three columns of the GS-EES qualification program, namely the core program (block course, summer school and research abroad), the scientific  training (workshops, seminars and lectures) and professional skills training (Communication, management, good scientific practice, diversity aspects) GS-EES

The Core Program is mandatory for all members of the GS-EES. It includes

  • Block Course ”Materials, Functioning and Technology of Batteries”, covering the full spectrum of electrochemical energy storage and conversion from theory to engineering and from fundamentals to applications.
  • Summer School, focusing on the scientific exchange, discussions and elements of professional skills training.
  • Research Abroad a three months research stay at a foreign laboratory to support international networking and cultural experience.
  • Scientific Training and Professional Skills Training can be tailored to the individual needs of each doctoral researcher.



To ensure high quality scientific mentoring, each doctoral researcher is guided by a Thesis Advisory Committee comprised of three advisors, the professor supervising the doctoral researcher, a second professor from a matching discipline, and a senior researcher involved in the day-to-day technical supervision. The two professors are chosen from Ulm University and Karlruhe Institute of Technology to foster collaboration between the institutions. 





Communication (academic writing, presenting, etc.)

The missing link - Statusverhalten als Kommunikations-Tool

Date: 24.10.2024 + 25.10.2024, 09:00 - 17:00
Place: Villa Eberhardt, Ulm


Scientific Writing. What Makes a Good Paper and How to Write It (two-day)

Date: 04.11.2024 + 05.11.2024, 10:00 - 16:00
Place: online
Registration: online


Business Studies in a Nutshell

Date: 02.10.2024 + 09.10.2024 + 16.10.2024, 14:00 - 17:00
Place: online


Grundlagen des Projektmanagements (zweitägig)

Date: 17.10.2024 + 18.10.2024, 09:00 - 16:30
Place: KIT, Geb. 50.41, Raum 145/146 (1.OG)


Agile Project Management (two-day)

Date: 07.11.2024 + 08.11.2024, 09:00 - 16:00
Place: KIT, Bldg. 50.41, seminar room 145/146


Time and Self-Management (two-day)

Date: 14.11.2024 + 18.11.2024, 09:00 - 13:30
Place: KIT, Bldg. 50.41, seminar room 145/146


Making decisions under uncertainty

Date: 22.11.2024, 09:00 - 17:00
Place: Online


PhD as a project - Self- and Time Management

Date: 06.12.2024 + 07.12.2024, 09:00 - 12:00
Place: Online


Good scientific practice / Research ethics

Good Scientific Practice

Date: 24.07.2024 + 25.09.2024, 10:00 - 17:00
Place: online


Good Scientific Practice

Date: 26.09.2024 + 10.12.2024, 10:00 - 17:00
Place: online


Good Research Practice (two-day)

Date: 21.10.2024 + 22.12.2024, 09:00 - 14:00
Place: online


Good Scientific Practice

Date: 11.12.2024 +, 10:00 - 17:00
Place: online


ARs ReflecTIonis - Verantwortlich Denken und Handeln in Technik, Wissenschaft und Innovation

Date: e-learning, no specific date
Place: online (ILIAS)


Workshop "Introduction to Research Data Management"

The responsible and far-sighted handling of digital research data is becoming increasingly important. Management, storage, exchange and access to large amounts of data, including the corresponding metadata, is challenging.
In this workshop, researchers learn in a first block basic skills to handle their research data safely and sustainably. Ways to publish and re-use research data are discussed. The new “Guidelines for Safeguarding Good Research Practice”, published by the DFG, are addressed in the context of research data.
In a second block, the functionalities of the data exchange and analysis platform Kadi4Mat will be discussed on the basis of the Kadi4Mat web interface. Using examples, the researchers learn how to collaboratively work on a common description of research data and how to document, manage and share their own research data.

There are several workshops on RDM offered throughout the year. Please refer to the Upcoming Events section for upcoming workshops.

Due to the significance of Research Data Management in POLiS, participation in RDM workshops is mandatory for all doctoral researchers funded by POLiS!

0.5 CPs within "Good scientific practice / Research ethics" will be accounted for the participation.


Workshop "Advanced Research Data Management: Kadi-apy and Workflows"

Automated data processing allows data sets to be processed in a faster, more reliable, and reproducible manner, making a significant contribution to the generation of FAIR research data. In this workshop, participants will learn how to use command line tools for automated data processing.

In a first step the basic concept of Kadi4Mat is reviewed. In a next step, the software package kadi-apy is introduced, with which it is possible to communicate with the Kadi4Mat database via its programmatic interface. Possibilities to import and to export data will be discussed. In addition, the concept of workflows is explained using examples and exercises for the participants.

There are several workshops on Advanced Research Data Management offered throughout the year. Please refer to the Upcoming Events section for upcoming workshops.

0.5 CPs within "Good scientific practice / Research ethics" will be accounted for the participation in combination with the completion and submission of an exercise with an own data set.

Equal opportunities / Diversity / Mentorship

Der Weg zur Professur - akademische Karriereplanung mit Strategie

Date: 18.06.2024, 09:00 - 14:00
Place: online


Basics of Leadership (two-day)

Date: 03.07.2024 + 04.07.2024, 09:00 - 16:00
Place: KIT, Geb. 50.41, Raum 145/146 (1.OG)
Registration: online


Career development with PhD - Workshop with individual Coaching

Date: 23.09.2024, 09:00 - 16:00
Place: online


Stressmanagement. Gelassener durch den Wissenschaftsalltag

Date: 10.10.2024 + 24.10.2024, 09:00 - 13:30
Place: KIT, Geb. 50.41, Raum 145/146 (1. OG)


Getting Started. Die Promotion als Projekt (zweitägig)

Date: 14.10.2024 + 15.10.2024, 09:00 - 17:00
Place: online


"Was kann ich? - Was will ich?" - Wege zur Profilschärfung und Karriereorientierung

Date: 21.11.2024, 09:00 - 16:00 + 22.11.2024, 09:00 - 14:30
Place: Villa Eberhardt, Ulm


Roadmap for Career Orientation. What Skills Do I Have and Where Do I Want to Go?

Date: 12.12.2024, 09:00 - 14:00
Place: KIT, Geb. 50.41, Raum 145/146 (1.OG)


Scientific Training - Lectures

Eligible Lectures KIT


Titel:                Maschinelles Lernen für die Chemie
Semester:        SS 2024
Dozent:            Elstner

Titel:                Lasergestützte Methoden und deren Einsatz für Energiespeichermaterialien
Semester:        SS 2024
Dozent:            Pfleging

Titel:                Elektrochemie
Semester:        SS 2024
Dozent:            Bresser/Fleischmann

Titel:                Batterie- und Brennstoffzellensysteme
Semester:        SS 202
Dozent:            Weber

Titel:                Modellbildung elektrochemischer Systeme
Semester:        SS 2024
Dozent:            Weber

Titel:                Materialien für elektrochemische Speicher und Wandler
Semester:        SS 2024
Dozent:            Tübke

Titel:                Fundamentals of Energy Technology
Semester:        SS 2024
Dozent:            Badea



Titel:                 Angewandte Elektrochemie
Semester:        WS 23/24
Dozent:            NN


Titel:                 Batterien und Brennstoffzellen
Semester:        WS 23/24
Dozent:            Krewer


Titel:                 Materialien und Werkstoffe für die Energiewende
Semester:        WS 23/24
Dozent:            Seifert/Ziebert


Titel:                 Batteries and Fuel Cells
Semester:        WS 23/24
Dozent:            Ehrenberg/Scheiba


Titel:                 Hydrogen as Energy Carrier
Semester:        WS 23/24
Dozent:            Ehrenberg/Léon

Eligible Lectures UUlm


Titel:                  Solid State Chemistry and Applications in Energy Materials (V)
Semester:          SS 2024
Dozent:              Fichtner

Titel:                  Interface Chemistry II - Introduction to Electrochemistry (für BachelorChemie)
Semester:          SS 2024
Dozent:              Jacob / Kibler

ENGH 70389
Titel:                  Einführung in die Energietechnik
Semester:          SS 2024
Dozent:              Willich

Titel:                  Surface Analysis and -Spectroscopy
Semester:         SS 2024
Dozent:             Bansmann / Behm

Titel:                  Advanced Methods of Quantum Chemistry
Semester:         SS 2024
Dozent:             Groß

Titel:                  Scientific, Economical and Ecological Aspects of the Energy Economy
Semester:         SS 2024
Dozent:             Münch

Titel:                  Hydrogen as Energy Carrier
Semester:         SS 2024
Dozent:             Mohrdieck

Titel:                   Surfaces - Interfaces - Heterogeneous Catalysis – Electrocatalysis
Semester:          SS 2024
Dozent:              Bansmann

Titel:                  Special Topics in Analytical Chemistry IV - Scanning Probe Microscopy (V)
Semester:          SS 2024
Dozent:              Kranz




Titel:                  Lithium Ion Batteries
Semester:         WS 2023/24
Dozent:             Wohlfahrt-Mehrens / Waldmann


Titel:                  Energy Science and Technology III (Batteries & Fuel Cells)
Semester:         WS 2023/24
Dozent:             Hölzle


Titel:                  Energieverbrauch und -handel
Semester:          WS 2023/24
Dozent:              Münch


Titel:                  Renewable and Conventional Energy Production
Semester:          WS 2023/24
Dozent:              Willich


Titel:                  Multiscale-Modeling in Energy Research
Semester:          WS 2023/24
Dozent:              Jacob


Titel:                  Simulation and Modelling
Semester:          WS 2023/24
Dozent:              Latz


Titel:                  Current issues in Surface Chemistry
Semester:          WS 2023/24
Dozent:              Behm

Scientific Training - Seminars

> Seminars offered at the respective universities and institutes (e.g. HIU seminar, POLiS seminar, GDCh seminars,..)

> Dedicated seminar series for doctoral researchers only "PhDs in charge"


Upcoming Events

GS-EES Summer School 2024

The GS-EES Summer School features lectures by international experts on different topics related to battery research. Another focus is on scientific exchange between the participants via poster sessions and oral presentations. There are special sessions on “Trouble and Failed Attempts” to promote learning from those experiences and to share ideas on how to solve such problems. Social activities to enhance networking are another integral part of the program.
Target Group:
Master students, doctoral researchers and post-docs. Guests are very welcome!
Date and Location:
July 23 - 26
Christliche Gästehäuser Monbachtal

Further information on the Summer School and registration can be found here


Workshop "From introduction to advanced research data management"

Date and Location:
05.06.2024, 13:00 - 17:00
06.06.2024, 09:00 - 13:00

Seminar Room 017, Material Research Center for Energy Systems (MZE)
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Campus South, Strasse am Forum 7, Bldg. 30.48, 76131 Karlsruhe

See flyer for more information.

Registrer is closed.


Kadi4Mat Community Workshop

Date: 11.11.2024

Past Events

Past Events

Block course "Materials, Functioning and Technology of Batteries" 2024 Part

The block course covers the full spectrum of electrochemical energy storage and conversion battery research, from theory to engineering and from fundamentals to applications.
Date: Part 1, 04.03.2024 - 08.03.2024; Part 2 08.04.2024 - 12.04.2024
Location: Part 1 Ulm University; Part 2 KIT


Workshop "Introduction to Research Data Management"


The responsible and far-sighted handling of digital research data is becoming increasingly important. Management, storage, exchange and access to large amounts of data, including the corresponding metadata, is challenging.
In this workshop, researchers learn in a first block basic skills to handle their research data safely and sustainably. Ways to publish and re-use research data are discussed. The new “Guidelines for Safeguarding Good Research Practice”, published by the DFG, are addressed in the context of research data.
In a second block, the functionalities of the data exchange and analysis platform Kadi4Mat will be discussed on the basis of the Kadi4Mat web interface. Using examples, the researchers learn how to collaboratively work on a common description of research data and how to document, manage and share their own research data.


Schedule: 1 day, 10.00 am  - 1.00 pm
Date: 28.02.2024
Seminar Room 017
Material Research Center for Energy Systems (MZE)

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Campus South
Strasse am Forum 7, Bldg. 30.48
76131 Karlsruhe

Workshop instructor: Michael Selzer (POLiS research data officer)

Participation in the workshop is mandatory for doctoral researchers funded by POLiS, GS-EES members will gain 0.5 CP within “Good Scientific Practice / Research Ethics”.
Please register online until 25.02.2024.


XPS Workshop


The workshop mainly aims at researchers who (plan to) include X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy as characterization method in their studies.

You will learn about the fundamentals, the potential and the restrictions of the method.
The main goal of the workshop is to improve your skills in planning your XPS measurements and in peak fitting / interpreting the measured spectra.


The workshop will mainly be held online (with Thomas Diemant) but you will also perform an XPS measurement in groups of two. These measurements can either be done at the IAM-ESS with Vanessa Trouillet for researchers from Karlsruhe or at the HIU with Thomas Diemant for researchers from Ulm. Individual appointments will be made for this with the groups.

Time & Date: Several sessions between 24.11.2023 and 12.12.2023 (see schedule in flyer)
Location: Mostly online, demo sessions (XPS measurements) at HIU or at IAM-ESS

Workshop instructors: Thomas Diemant and Vanessa Trouillet
Registration: online until 05.11.2023

The workshop is open for GS-EES, CELEST, HIU and IAM-ESS members.
GS-EES members will gain 1 CP within „Scientific Training”

The number of participants for the XPS measurements (mandatory for gaining GS-EES CPs) is restricted to 12 in Karlsruhe and 12 in Ulm. First come, first served.
There are no restrictions for the number of participants in the online lectures.


Workshop "Speaking/Presentation"

Date: 27.11.2023, 09:00 - 18:00
Place: KIT, MZE, Straße am Forum 7, Geb. 30.48
: online until 03.11.2023

The workshop is open for GS-EES members and all POLiS affiliates including post-docs.
GS-EES members will gain 0,5 CP within „Communication”

The number of participants is restricted to 10.
If we receive more registrations, we will organize an additional workshop as soon as possible.


Workshop "Unconscious Bias"

Date: 30.10.2023, 09:00 - 17:00
Place: Ulm University, POLiS, Lise-Meitner-Straße 16
: There are still some open spots. If you want to participate, send an email


Workshop "Meet the Coach"

We invite scientists at all career levels to develop personally and offer the unique opportunity to select coaching offers that fit as closely as possible in speed dating sessions. Especially, when it comes to your own career and personal development, a competent view from the outside is helpful.

Date: 11.09.2023, 9am to 12pm
Location: online via zoom
Further information on the workshop and registration here.


European Symposium on Polymer Electrolytes for Battery Applications 2023 (ESPE23)

Date: 25.09.2023 - 27.09.2023
Location: KIT Campus South
Event information and registration here
Special Offer for GS-EES members without scientific contribution
Members of the GS-EES who do not work directly with polymer electrolytes and thus won’t present any poster but would like to learn more about the topic, can register free of charge on the following links:
GS-EES member without KIT-Account
GS-EES member with KIT-Account

Registration deadline: 01.09.2023

Attendees can gain 0,5 CP for the GS-EES Qualification Program.


GS-EES Summerschool 2023

Date: 24.07.2023 - 28.07.2023
Location: Christliche Gästehäuser Monbachtal, Im Monbachtal 1, 75378 Bad Liebenzell
Please register online
Registration deadline: 03.07.2023


Block course "Materials, Functioning and Technology of Batteries" 2023 Part 2

The block course covers the full spectrum of electrochemical energy storage and conversion battery research, from theory to engineering and from fundamentals to applications.
Date: 08.05.2023 - 12.05.2023
Location: Tagungsstätte Thomashof, Stupfericher Weg 1, 76227 Karlsruhe


Visit wbk Institute of Production Science - Karlsruher Forschungsfabrik

Date: 12.05.2023, 14:00 - 15:30 h
Karlsruher Forschungsfabrik
Rintheimer Querallee 2
Gebäude 70.41
76131 Karlsruhe

Location: online until 16.04.2023


EIS Workshop 2023


Aim of the workshop is to give an introduction into electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS):

  • Gain fundamental understanding of EIS
  • Understand the physical origins of impedance (as opposed to resistance)
  • Use electric components to describe electrochemical processes (equivalent circuits)
  • Learn good-practice for analysis and presentation of electrochemical impedance spectra
  • Raise awareness of the complexity of impedance spectroscopy in electrochemistry and battery research in particular.
  • Increase knowledge about the potential and the restrictions of the method

We will spare you as much math as possible for this lecture series and provide you with qualitative knowledge.

Date: 17.04.2023 - 18.04.2023
Location: Materialwissenschaftliches Zentrum für Energiesysteme (MZE), Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT), Campus Süd, Straße am Forum 7, Geb. 30.48

Flyer including schedule
Registration (deadline 10.03.2023)


Workshop “Advanced research data management – kadi-apy and workflows”


In this workshop, you will learn how you can use kadi4mat with minimum effort to facilitate your research data management.

The responsible and far-sighted handling of digital research data is becoming increasingly important. Management, storage, exchange and access to large amounts of data, including the corresponding metadata, is challenging.

During the workshop, researchers will acquire fundamental knowledge of kadi4mat in the first session, followed by learning how to interact programmatically with the rdm tool using Kadi API and the kadi-apy python library.

In the second session, we will illustrate workflows and kadistudio to create personalized workflows for automating and standardize research procedures.

Date: 29.03.2023, 12:30 - 16:30
Location: Lise-Meitner-Straße 16, Ulm


Block course "Materials, Functioning and Technology of Batteries" 2023 Part 1

The block course covers the full spectrum of electrochemical energy storage and conversion battery research, from theory to engineering and from fundamentals to applications.
Date: 27.02.2023 - 03.03.2023
Location: Begegnungs- und Tagungszentrum Michelsberg, Michelsberg 1, 73337 Bad Überkingen-Oberböhringen
Flyer including schedule

Workshop "Introduction to Research Data Management"


The responsible and far-sighted handling of digital research data is becoming increasingly important. Management, storage, exchange and access to large amounts of data, including the corresponding metadata, is challenging.
In this workshop, researchers learn in a first block basic skills to handle their research data safely and sustainably. Ways to publish and re-use research data are discussed. The new “Guidelines for Safeguarding Good Research Practice”, published by the DFG, are addressed in the context of research data.
In a second block, the functionalities of the data exchange and analysis platform Kadi4Mat will be discussed on the basis of the Kadi4Mat web interface. Using examples, the researchers learn how to collaboratively work on a common description of research data and how to document, manage and share their own research data.


Schedule: 1 day, 9.00 - 12.00 am
Date: 15.02.2023
Location: online
Workshop instructor: Satish Kolli (POLiS research data officer)


Workshop Conflicts and Good Scientific Practice

Based on the DFG memorandum "Safeguarding Good Scientific Practice" participants will receive an overview of the rules of good scientific practice and how to deal with scientific misconduct.
Case studies will be used to illustrate conflictual situations in everyday research and options for dealing with them will be practiced.
The course offers the opportunity to reflect on values and attitudes as scientists and to ask and discuss questions such as:

  • How to deal with the pressure to publish?
  • How to deal with conflicts (unequal treatment, conflicts of interest, conflicts for resources, mobbing,…) with my colleagues and / or supervisors?
  • Regarding good scientific practice, what are the responsibilities of my supervisors?
  • How should I take action, when I encounter / suspect scientific misconduct?


Date: 30.01.2023, 8 hrs
Place: online


XPS Workshop


The workshop mainly aims at researchers who (plan to) include X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy as characterization method in their studies.

You will learn about the fundamentals, the potential and the restrictions of the method.
The main goal of the workshop is to improve your skills in planning your XPS measurements and in peak fitting / interpreting the measured spectra.


The workshop will mainly be held online (with Thomas Diemant) but you will also perform an XPS measurement in groups of two. These measurements can either be done at the IAM-ESS with Vanessa Trouillet for researchers from Karlsruhe or at the HIU with Thomas Diemant for researchers from Ulm. Individual appointments will be made for this with the groups.

Time & Date: Several sessions between 14.10.2022 and 03.11.2022 (see schedule in flyer)
Location: Mostly online, demo sessions (XPS measurements) at HIU or at IAM-ESS

Workshop instructors: Thomas Diemant and Vanessa Trouillet

The workshop is open for GS-EES, CELEST and HIU members.
GS-EES members will gain 1 CP within „Scientific Training”

The number of participants for the XPS measurements (mandatory for gaining GS-EES CPs) is restricted to 12 in Karlsruhe and 12 in Ulm. First come, first served.
There are no restrictions for the number of participants in the online lectures.


Workshop "Introduction to Research Data Management"


The responsible and far-sighted handling of digital research data is becoming increasingly important. Management, storage, exchange and access to large amounts of data, including the corresponding metadata, is challenging.
In this workshop, researchers learn in a first block basic skills to handle their research data safely and sustainably. Ways to publish and re-use research data are discussed. The new “Guidelines for Safeguarding Good Research Practice”, published by the DFG, are addressed in the context of research data.
In a second block, the functionalities of the data exchange and analysis platform Kadi4Mat will be discussed on the basis of the Kadi4Mat web interface. Using examples, the researchers learn how to collaboratively work on a common description of research data and how to document, manage and share their own research data.


Schedule: 1 day, 9.00 - 17.00 h
Date: 27.07.2022
Location: online
Workshop instructor: Satish Kolli (POLiS research data officer)

Due to the significance of Research Data Management in POLiS, participation in this workshop is mandatory for all all doctoral researchers funded by POLiS!

0.5 CPs within "Good scientific practice / Research ethics" will be accounted for the participation.



GS-EES Summerschool 2022

Date: 04.07.2022 - 08.07.2022
Location: Ulm University, Lise-Meitner-Straße 16, 89081 Ulm



Block Course "Materials, Functioning and Technology of Batteries" 2022 Part 2

Date: 02.05.2022 - 06.05.2022
Location: Begegnungs- und Tagungszentrum Michelsberg, Michelsberg 1, 73337 Bad Überkingen-Oberböhringen

See flyer for further information and for the preliminary timetable.

Participants of the Block Course Part 1 held in February 2022 are invited to join Part 2.


EIS Workshop 2022

Goal: Aim of the workshop is to give an introduction into electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS):

  • Gain fundamental understanding of EIS
  • Understand the physical origins of impedance (as opposed to resistance)
  • Use electric components to describe electrochemical processes (equivalent circuits)
  • Learn good-practice for analysis and presentation of electrochemical impedance spectra
  • Raise awareness of the complexity of impedance spectroscopy in electrochemistry and battery research in particular.
  • Increase knowledge about the potential and the restrictions of the method

We will spare you as much math as possible for this lecture series and provide you with qualitative knowledge.

Date: 24.05.2022 - 25.05.2022
Location: Ulm University, Lise-Meitner-Straße 16
There may be a video broadcast of the lectures and an additional practice group at KIT, if there is sufficient interest for that.

See flyer for further information and for the preliminary timetable.

Workshop "Scientific Writing"


The workshop aims at improving your skills in writing a scientific paper, including:

  • Developing a clear main message
  • Priority setting in the writing process
  • Structure and logical flow of the text
  • Create meaningful graphics
  • Memorable introduction and abstract
  • How to develop a daily writing routine
  • Efficient communication with co-authors

Schedule: 2 days, 9:30 - 17:00 h
Date: 19.01.2022 + 26.01.2022
Location: online
Workshop instructor: Dr. Carsten Rohr
1 CPs within "Communication" will be accounted for the participation.

Please register by sending an email to

Flyer for further information


Workshop "Introduction to Research Data Management"


The workshop addresses safe and sustainable handling of research data ways to publish and reuse research data and DFG guidelines. Functionalities of the data exchange and analysis platform Kadi4Mat will be discussed. Using examples, the researchers learn how to collaboratively work on a common description of research data and how to document, manage and share their own research data.

Schedule: 1 day, 9:00 - 17:00 h
Date: 30.11.2021 9:00 - 17:00
Location: online
Workshop instructor: POLiS Research Data Handling Officer Ephraim Schoof
Due to the significance of Research Data Management in POLiS, participation in this workshop is mandatory for all all doctoral researchers funded by POLiS!

0.5 CPs within "Good scientific practice / Research ethics" will be accounted for the participation.


Workshop "Advanced Research Data Management: Kadi-apy and Workflows"


Automated data processing allows data sets to be processed in a faster, more reliable, and reproducible manner, making a significant contribution to the generation of FAIR research data. In this workshop, participants will learn how to use command line tools for automated data processing.

In a first step the basic concept of Kadi4Mat is reviewed. In a next step, the software package kadi-apy is introduced, with which it is possible to communicate with the Kadi4Mat database via its programmatic interface. Possibilities to import and to export data will be discussed. In addition, the concept of workflows is explained using examples and exercises for the participants.

Schedule: 1 day, 9.00 - 12.00 h
Date: January 2022 (poll running to find the best suitable date)
Location: online
Workshop instructor: POLiS Research Data Handling Officer Ephraim Schoof
0.5 CPs within "Good scientific practice / Research ethics" will be accounted for the participation in combination with the completion and submission of an exercise with an own data set

Flyer for further information




The workshop features presentations from lead industry in the field of batteries and off ers ten pitch presentations from POLiS PhD students and PostDocs, introducing their most current results. The event off ers m utual and intimate exchange of hot topics and fresh ideas in the fi eld of new generation batteries, with plenty of space for meetings and open discussions.

Time & Date: 26.10.2021, 2:00 - 18:00
Location: KIT Campus  North

Participants have to contribute a pitch presentation of 5 min related to their research. You can compose the presentation rather freely, we would love to see talks that are innovative and have a link to applications but it is not mandatory.

The number of participants is restricted to 10 (due to Covid19) which gives you the opportunity for an intensive exchange.
Please apply for participation by sending a title and a short abstract to POLiS Technology Transfer Manager ( until 29 September.

Flyer for further information.


XPS Workshop


The workshop mainly aims at researchers who (plan to) include X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy as characterization method in their studies.

You will learn about the fundamentals, the potential and the restrictions of the method.
The main goal of the workshop is to improve your skills in planning your XPS measurements and in peak fitting / interpreting the measured spectra.


The workshop will mainly be held online (with Thomas Diemant) but you will also perform an XPS measurement in groups of two. These measurements can either be done at the IAM-ESS with Vanessa Trouillet for researchers from Karlsruhe or at the HIU with Thomas Diemant for researchers from Ulm. Individual appointments will be made for this with the groups.

Time & Date: Several sessions between 15.10.2020 and 03.11.2020 (see schedule in flyer)
Location: Mostly online, demo sessions (XPS measurements) at HIU or at IAM-ESS

Workshop instructors: Thomas Diemant and Vanessa Trouillet
Registration: Online until 01.10.2021

The workshop is open for GS-EES, CELEST and HIU members.
GS-EES members will gain 1 CP within „Scientific Training”

The number of participants for the XPS measurements (mandatory for gaining GS-EES CPs) is restricted to 12 in Karlsruhe and 12 in Ulm. First come, first served.
There are no restrictions for the number of participants in the online lectures.


Summerschool 2021

The Summerschool aims at scientific exchange and teambuilding within the GS-EES and POLiS and also includes scientific talks from external speakers.

Each doctoral researcher will present a poster. During the Summerschool the posters will be divided into 6 groups. For each group there will be 2 dates, when each group member will be available for discussions about their poster in an individual break-out session.

Date: 05.07.2021 - 08.07.2021
Location: online

See flyer for more information and the program

Registration: online until 21.06.2021

Deadline for posters: 27.06.2021 (via email to Johannes Schnaidt), including the poster information form


Workshop Project Management


In this workshop you will learn the fundamentals of project management. This will be related to the
work in research projects. Group exercises will be based on practical examples and projects of the

Schedule: 2 days, 9.00 - 17.00 h
Date: 01.06.2021 + 02.06.2021
Location: online
Workshop instructor: Petra Pandur
 1 CP within „Professional skills training - Management”

See flyer for more information and the agenda

Registration: online until 23.05.2021


Block course "Materials, Functioning and Technology of Batteries" 2021 Part 2

Date: 03.05.2021 - 06.05.2021
Location: online
See flyer for more information and the time table


Workshop "Unconscious Bias"


The workshop addresses origins and effects of (un-)conscious biases as well as machanisms of discrimination. Theoretical and practical aspects will be covered to increase the awareness for diversity and structures of suppression.

Date: 12.04.2021. 9:00 - 16:00
Location: online
Workshop instructor:

Andreas Hartwig,

0.5 CPs within Equal opportunities / Diversity / Mentorship

See flyer for more information